The Deal with Fractals... Finally

Okay, I feel like I'm finally ready to weigh in on the deal with fractals. What follows is a very brief primer on fractals and an introduction to how I see them as a metaphor for the human experience.
Fractals are a mathematical discovery. Benoit Mandelbrot discovered them in the early 1980s while working at IBM on some of the first computers. He played with some old math problems that a Frenchman named Gaston Julia had tried working out with a pencil. With the processing power of computers, however, Mandelbrot was able to find a marvelous world. The unfolded discovery is called the Mandelbrot set. I've included a series of Mandelbrot set images below so you can also marvel at their beauty. (If you want to nerd out more on fractals, I'll include some resources at the bottom of the post.)
However, the real discovery of fractals is that once you understand how they are formed, you begin to realize that they seem to be fundamental to how nature and the universe are formed. Once you see them, you see them everywhere. To understand this, you should know what a fractal is. There are mathematical definitions that use words like "integer" and "Hausdorff dimension." (Again, go to the end of the post for the nerdfest.) The definition that I like to use has three parts and is as follows:
Fractals are self-similar at all scales. This means that the small parts look similar to the larger parts, which look similar to the whole.
Fractals are made from the repetition of processes (recursive algorithms). To create a fractal, you begin with an initial condition; you apply a process that creates a new condition, then apply the method to that new condition and repeat.
Fractals can lead to infinite complexity. As the formation process repeats, the complexity increases. The system quickly goes beyond our capacity to comprehend. Nonetheless, the self-similarity continues, and the repeated process maintains its simplicity.
The best natural example of a fractal is a tree.
The small branches look similar to the larger branches, and all branches look similar to the whole tree.
The process for building a tree is to sprout new leaves, branch and move towards the light, drop leaves, rest, and repeat.
A tree that is allowed to continue growing through the simple process will increase in complexity while maintaining its self-similarity. Before the advent of fractal geometry, the mathematical description of a tree was nearly impossible.
The underlying proposal of the Fractal Friends project is that humanity, guided by culture at all scales, is also a fractal. This is especially true when we look at our choices, behavior and how we experience conflict.
Our behavior (the questions we face and the choices we make) are self-similar at all scales. We find similar questions and choices in our psyches, as we do in our interpersonal relationships. The questions and choices we face as groups ranging from families and organizations to countries and humanity as a whole also have that same self-similar quality.
The process we follow is to face a decision, to assess the right or wrong response. This is based on our cultural paradigm (which tends to be guided by a choice of how to balance our individual or our group's needs (agency/fear/power) and our need to be part of a collective with other individuals or groups (communion/limits/love)). Each choice brings us to a new situation, and we are faced with a new decision, so the process repeats.
As we become increasingly interconnected as a global society, the choices we face become increasingly complex. Our sense of self, of "us," grows as we consider our own needs, those of our community, nation, species, and eventually all sentient beings. An increasing understanding of the other balances this. This similarly ranges from the parts of ourselves we don't want to accept, to the individuals in our life, to the organizations and companies that threaten our communities, to other nations and cultures nearby and across the world, all the way up to the existential threats to life ranging from asteroids to nuclear weapons. As we make more decisions, we will always tend to greater complexity, but the self-similarity of our lives at all scales will continue, just as the choices and the decisions will always be a dance between fear and love.
In that spirit, I bring Fractal Friends, the podcast, and the blog to the world. I firmly believe that we are all facing the same questions and challenges in life. I want to share the far off branches of the tree of life that we are part of. It feels important for us to continue growing in our sense of who we are and who everyone else is. The journey both inwards and outwards seems to be infinite, and it has to be balanced.
To reflect on this whole idea, I offer a series of fractal images that I feel function as a decent metaphor for life as I see it. To continue the analogies above, I like to imagine that the edge between black and color represents our choices in life. The choice is there, but as we zoom in closer and closer, we realize that there is no hope of finding a definitive edge between right and wrong. If that idea is too far out, I also offer these images as something beautiful and fun to look at.
This is called a Mandelbrot Set. The following images are all the same image, with each consecutive image a zoomed-in version of the previous. It goes on forever, but I've limited it to just a few because I don't want to blow anyone's mind just yet. For a deep zoom, check this out or google "mandelbrot zoom."
Fractal nerd time:
Fractals are mathematically defined as objects that exist between dimensions. They are entities that have a Hausdorff dimension that is not an integer. They can be lines that behave like planes or lines that act like dots. They are a way of fitting infinite detail into finite spaces. For some fun and simple fractal examples, I suggest looking at the Cantor Set, Sierpinski Triangle and the Koch Curve.
If you want to explore the Mandelbrot set on your own, consider downloading this app for your phone: Fast Fractal or this software for your computer: XaoS.
If you want to go deep into studying fractals, I suggest this course on Fractals and Scaling offered at Complexity Explorer.
The Fractal Foundation also has some excellent resources. Their CEO Jonathan Wolfe also has a great TEDx Talk here.
Here is a TED talk with Benoit Mandelbrot himself.
Also, Arthur C Clarke's documentary on fractals from 1995 called Colors of Infinity is a classic.
I appreciate your interest in this. If this is a topic that you are into, I hope that you contact me.